The „Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany“ was promulgated on 23 May 1949. This day is thus the birth of the most important constitution of Germany and is celebrated every year as a day of honour. Since 23.05.1949 on the „Day of the Basic Law“ the 197 articles of the German constitution are remembered.
The Day of the Basic Law is considered to be an example for the successful re-democratization of a country to our planets. That is why we asked the German economy about this day and want to know from Josip Heit as CEO of GSB Gold Standard Banking Corporation AG what he knows about this day?
Mr. Heit, you are a commodities expert and chairman of the board of directors of a corporation, are you concerned with the German constitution and what do you know about it?
Josip Heit: „Well, the economy has very little time to deal with politics, especially since economics and politics are two different shoes, but yes, of course I know the Basic Law and I am proud to live in such a safe country like the Federal Republic of Germany, especially in times of the coronavirus pandemic, and I am happy every day about the achievements of German democracy. Moreover, I have calculated that the Basic Law is now exactly 3705 weeks old or young, as you would like to see it, and it is still one of the most progressive constitutions on our planet, even today, after 71 years.
In this respect, I agree with the Chancellor I admire, Dr. Angela Merkel, who said, especially in the current time of crisis at the weekend, that the Federal Government does not make it easy for itself with the restrictions of fundamental rights. Chancellor Merkel also says understandably for me that the restrictions should be as short as possible. They are necessary, and Chancellor Merkel has justified this time and again, because she feels responsible for the dignity of human beings, as stated in Article 1 of the Basic Law. She said that the corona pandemic poses particular challenges to society, and we as a Group are also feeling this in economic terms; it is perhaps the greatest challenge in 71 years. However, this makes it all the more important to respect the principles of the Basic Law.
Since 2011 GSB AG has been operating as a global holding company focusing on unique/pure minerals and metals. With our globally networked distribution system for industrial minerals and metals in over 120 countries, we guarantee a supply of the highest quality at all times. The raw materials are refined to the highest quality in our own plants and LBMA refineries. This makes it all the more important to be aware every day of what the fathers of the Basic Law wanted for all citizens, peace, progress and a secure future, as one of the most important democracies in the world“.
Mr. Heit, what is your position on the subject of coronavirus lockdown and the Basic Law on the anniversary of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany?
Josip Heit: „The aim was to prevent the health care system from being overburdened, which fortunately has been achieved so far. Of course, when it comes to easing restrictions, politicians must always justify to citizens why something has not yet been lifted and why something can be eased. In this way, the proportionality of measures must, of course, always be weighed up against each other in the interests of the Basic Law and the safety of all citizens. One can be glad that the current infection situation makes it possible to allow and make possible again many things that had been restricted for a few weeks.“
Mr. Heit, do you think that children’s rights are sufficiently taken into account in the Basic Law?
Josip Heit: „Well, there is a danger that a considerable number of children in Germany will continue to be pushed to the margins of society and left behind, which would prevent the basic rights of children from being included in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Especially in times of the Covid 19 pandemic, children now need a clear signal that their interests and needs are being taken seriously. In November 2019, a proposal was drawn up, which, however, in my opinion, falls slightly short of the international obligations of states under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child with regard to children’s rights of participation and co-determination.
In it, the member states of the United Nations undertook 30 years ago to guarantee children certain fundamental rights. The states also pledge that the best interests of the child are to be given priority in all measures affecting children. In Germany, this has not yet been sufficiently implemented in law – not only in the opinion of child protection associations – although the government has ratified the convention, but because it is a good thing, thanks to the federal government, that all children in Germany live in a safe country and the government is doing a great deal for the welfare of the child, we can be proud of this and can thank the fathers of the Basic Law!“
Video Josip Heit
Keywords:Josip Heit, Josip Heit Avere, Josip Heit Family, Josip Heit Romania, Josip Heit Bugatti, Day of Basic Law, Basic Law Germany, Josip Heit Crypto, Josip Heit Basic Law, GSB, GCC, Gold

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